Books and tapes may be checked out of our library to help our clients in understanding and preparing their financial statements and tax returns and make better business decisions. Is this site too serious for you? Please read some CPA jokes.
Suggested videos in our library are:
- How to Organize & Maintain Files & Records by Fred Pryor Series
- Mastering QuickBooks Software by Real World Training Quick Books99, a 7 volume videotape series:
1. Setting up QuickBooks (& Avoiding Errors)
2. BC’s of QuickBooks Accounting
3. Sales and Accounts Receivable
4. Purchases Payables, & Inventory
5. Payroll & Time Tracking
6. Customizing and Repaying for Your Company
7. Special Features and Transactions
- Rich Dad Poor Dad, by Robert T. Kiyosaki
- Avoiding Mistakes in Your Small Business, Profiting from the Experiences of Others, by David Karlson, Ph.D.
- The Millionaire Next Door, by Thomas J. Stanley & William Danko, Longstreet Press, October 1996
Disclaimer: the information contained in the publications above do not necessarily represent what our professional opinion would be for any specific situation or a specific client.
- For links to other tax sites Click Here.
- Some all time favorite Jokes, yes, CPAs do have a sense of humor